The Rocky Patel Super Ligero Lancero is a cigar made in Honduras, at the El Paraiso Factory. This line was presented during the 2014 IPCPR and as its name suggests, is made to be bold and strong.
Cigars are wrapped up in a nice colorado maduro shade wrapper, oily, and smooth to the touch. To the touch, some soft spots can be found, but it often happens in the Lanceros sized cigars, due to the small quantitive of leaves used to have the small ring gauge.
- Country of Origin: Honduras
- Size: 38 x 190 mm (7.5″)
- Wrapper: Honduras
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Nicaragua, Costa Rica
- Price: $7.5 – €8
Rocky Patel Super Ligero Lancero: earthy and nutty scents are perceivable on the cold draw. The first few puffs are very spicy.
Overall, the Rocky Patel Super Ligero Lancero is a cigar equipped with a very contained evolution, and considering its size, this is something big missing. The flavor profile is not that wide and putting everything together, the cigar is a bit on the boring side. Harmony is not great as well, due to the strong spices that tend to cover the other flavors.
Rating: 79