The Padron 1964 Torpedo Maduro belongs to a particularly prestigious line of the brand, created back in 1994 to commemorate the brand’s 30th anniversary. This cigar is available in both Natural and Maduro versions. The difference is exclusively in the type of wrapper leaf used.
Aesthetically, the cigars are dressed in a Maduro shade wrapper, that is rustic to the touch. They are box pressed and the filling is even.
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
- Size: 52 x 152 mm (6″)
- Wrapper: Nicaragua
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Nicaragua
- Price: $17 | € 23
Padron 1964 Torpedo Maduro: the cold draw reveals hints of earth and cocoa, with a touch of black pepper. The opening confirms the earth and black pepper.
Overall, the Padron 1964 Torpedo Maduro releases a balanced smoke. The only flaw is its evolution, that is not exactly accentuated, but that is a minor issue, due to an intense and well-structured flavor profile.
Rating: 91