United Cigars announced the release of its latest cigar line extensions, Red Anchor Captain and Gunner, which are set to hit the shelves in late August.
“We are thrilled to introduce both the Captain and the Gunner as the newest additions to our Red Anchor family,” said Oliver Nivaud, Director of Operations for United Cigars. “These cigars pay homage to a long-standing tradition, a tribute to heritage and excellence. We are confident that cigar enthusiasts worldwide will savor the richness and elegance that defined cigars half a century ago.”
Handcrafted with care and passion at artisanal Kelner Boutique Factory, Red Anchor features a Habano 2000 Ecuador wrapper over a mix of Dominican and USA tobaccos. The Captain and Gunner measure 50 x 127 mm (5″) and 43 x 165 mm (6 1/2″).
Red Anchor is packed in sleek boxes of 25. The Captain and Gunner will have the same retail price of $500 per box or $20 per cigar.