The Nat Cicco Aniversario 1965 Liga No.4 Toro is one of the cigars from the various lines produced by Nat Cicco, a brand that has its roots in the 1960s. Unlike the cigars produced at that time, also thanks to the brand’s acquisition in 2007 by the Zander-Greg company, the new production focuses on handmade cigars and premium tobacco.
The Liga No.4 relaunched the brand’s cigars, and the Aniversario 1965 line celebrates its origins. It comes in seven sizes and is made in Estelì (Nicaragua) at the Agroindustrial Nicaraguense De Tabacos S.A. factory. The cigars are sold in 20-ct boxes.
The cigar is dressed in an opaque Maduro wrapper with brown reflections. To the touch, it appears silky, with veins that are not very pronounced. The filling seems uniform, and the cigar is box-pressed, with a closed foot and a “pigtail” finish.
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
- Size: 52 x 152 mm (6″)
- Wrapper: Ecuador
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Nicaragua
- Price: $ 9.20 | € –
Nat Cicco Aniversario 1965 Liga No.4 Toro: strong spicy hints are perceived in the cold draw, followed by less marked aromas of wood and cocoa.
Overall, the Nat Cicco Aniversario 1965 Liga No.4 Toro is an interesting product and, in a certain sense, surprising. After a somewhat subdued start, it offers a lively and rich central section, leaving room for a clear evolution towards the end. The balance with strength is well played in the first two thirds, while it becomes almost critical in the last, when the sustained strength adds to the sensations of astringency. It’s a shame, then the finish’s astringency and impetuous metallic note don’t do the rest of the smoke justice.