My Father Cedros Deluxe Cervantes is a Nicaraguan cigar, produced by My Father. The “Cedros” nomenclature is due to the fact that the cigars are wrapped in a cedar strip, which covers most of the cigar. My Father is a line that was created by Jaime Garcia, son of Don Pepin Garcia, to whom he wanted to dedicate this line.
The cigars are dressed in an oily Colorado Maduro shaded color, that is slightly rough to the touch. Feeling the cigars, some small gaps in the filling are perceptible in some of them.
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
- Size: 44 x 165 mm (6.5″)
- Wrapper: Ecuador (Habano)
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Nicaragua
- Price: $8.5 – €9
My Father Cedros Deluxe Cervantes: unlit, hints of earth and black pepper. The opening brings a blast of leather notes to the palate.
Overall, the My Father Cedros Deluxe Cervantes releases a smoke with excellent flavor intensity, from the first to the last puff. The cigar is balanced and satisfying, with a broad profile.
Rating: 90