The Montecristo Edmundo is a Cuban cigar that was introduced into the regular production of the Montecristo line in 2004. Edmundo is also how the size is called.
• Country of Origin: Cuba
• Size: 52 x 135 mm (5.3″)
• Wrapper: Cuba
• Binder: Cuba
• Filler: Cuba
• Price: €13.-
The demand of the cigar is high and the production9 is not always up to expectations.
Montecristo Edmundo: unlit, faint hints of wood. The opening continues with cedar wood.
The first third of the cigar releases notes of cedar wood and toasted aromas, which are outlined in a mix of cappuccino and hazelnut. Earthy hints are then perceptible as well. The smoke is creamy and the strength is just slightly above medium (3.5/5).
It becomes more full-bodied as well.
In the final third, the black pepper component becomes more pronounced and alternates with earth until the end.
Evolution is not its strong point, but it is flavor intensity and harmony are. One of the best Montecristos in production.
Rating: 90