The ten-year anniversary will be celebrated with a special and unique cigar, the Illusione Haut 10. The cigars is a Robusto Extra (52 x 133mm) and uses a AAA Grade Cafe Claro wrapper around Corojo 99 and Criollo 98 tobaccos, all from Nicaragua.
Next, there will be a new line, called Garagiste. The blend will focus around two tobacco: Criollo Viso and Corojo Viso, from an AGANORSA farm, in NIcaragua. The wrapper will be a Habaon Ecuador.
Next is a revamp of the Cruzado line, with four sizes: Churchill, Gordo, Robusto and Short Robusto. The blend will be a combination of Criollo 98 and Corojo 99 tobaccos, from Nicaragua. The wrapper is an AA Grade Rosado Corojo.
The ECCJ blend will enter regular production with three sizes: Churchill, Corona Gorda and Robusto. The same goes for the Singulare line, that will enter regular production with three popular releases: Anunnaki, Miserere (48 x 171mm) and Phantom (50 x 152mm), plus the new Kadosh (48 x 108mm).
The single store releases, called Cigares Prive, will be sold nationally, with two different wrappers: San Andres Maduro and a Corojo. The new sizes will be a 660 (60 x 152mm), a Prensado Suave (56 x 140mm) and a Robusto (52 x 127mm).
The Illusione’s Gigante and Rothschild will receive a Connecticut wrapped version, from Ecuador.
The Fume d’Amour line will see the addition of a Concepcion (46 x 143mm) size.
Finally, the Ultra line will expand by two sizes: Ultra Op No. 3, a Short Robusto, and No. 8, a Churchill.
The production, of all the new lines, will be handled by Tabacos Valle de Jalapa S.A. (TABSA).