Serino Royale Connecticut Churchill is one of the cigars produced by Serino Cigar Company, a company founded in 1995 from the idea of Anthony Serino, who decided to turn his passion for cigars into business. After starting a small cigar production in Miami and opening a cigar lounge in Pompano Beach, Florida, the company also decided to sell its cigars to other retailers.
Currently, the cigars are produced in the La Corona factory (Estelì, Nicaragua). Among the many representative lines of the brand, the Royale Connecticut was born with the precise intention of bringing Connecticut cigars back in vogue, emphasizing the glories of past years.
This line is sold in four sizes, among which is the Churchill, and the cigars are sold in varnished 20-count boxes.
The cigar is rolled in a shiny Claro-colored wrapper with red reflections. It is smooth to the touch, although there is some veining present. Filling and draw is good, and the overall construction is excellent.
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
- Size: 50 x 178 mm (7″)
- Wrapper: Connecticut (Ecuador)
- Binder: Criollo 98 Jalapa (Nicaragua)
- Filler: Corojo 99 Estelì, Corojo 98 Jalapa (Nicaragua)
- Price: $ 11.50 – € N.A.
Serino Royale Connecticut Churchill: well-defined aromas of nuts (almond stands out) and wood are perceived in the cold draw.
Overall, the Serino Royale Connecticut Churchill offers a simple and not too demanding smoke, although the size may suggest the exact opposite. The flavor profile is not trivial, although it represents the “Connecticut cigars” concept well. The strength does not differ much from the medium level, and it is neither strong enough to cover the aromas nor light enough to be evanescent. Perfectly enjoyable as a morning smoke.