The Querida Corona is a cigar made in Nicaragua and the company behind it is Woermann Cigars, importer and distributor for many brand in the German market. These cigars are made at Joya de Nicaragua factory. The blend is made of tobacco leaves coming from Ecuador, Indonesia and Nicaragua. They are sold in boxes of 20 cigars.
Cigars are wrapped up in a colorado maduro shade leaf. Construction is flawless.
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
- Size: 42 x 140 mm (5.5″)
- Wrapper: Ecuador
- Binder: Indonesia
- Filler: Nicaragua
- Price: $ N/A – € 5.5
Querida Corona: earth and spices to the cold draw. The first few puffs deliver a huge amount of spices, among which the black pepper stand out.
Overall, the Querida Corona is a cigar equipped with a wide flavor profile, that is better performing in the first half, where the aromas are more in terms of number. It is very rich. Considering the price point of this cigar, less than 6€, this is definitely interesting.
Rating: 88