For the eleventh time, Davidoff releases a limited edition to celebrate the Chinese New Year in style. The Davidoff Year of the Rabbit Limited Edition 2023 surprises aficionados and collectors around the globe with the brand’s biggest selection of products around a Chinese zodiac to date. To please those born in the Year of the Rabbit, the leading global brand of handmade luxury cigars launches a limited-edition perfecto cigar composed of seven different tobaccos. Alongside the cigar, Davidoff introduces a pipe and a special pipe tobacco blend, an ashtray, a cutter, a Masterpiece humidor and an additional, very limited Gran Toro cigar exclusively available in Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 flagship stores: The Davidoff Year of the Rabbit Flagship Exclusive.
The Year of the Rabbit
2023 marks the Year of the Rabbit, a zodiac characterised by calmness and depth. People born in the Year of the Rabbit may seem quiet at first, but will slowly reveal their complexity of character and quick intelligence. The Rabbit is an enchanting companion with a lively mind and the sharpest of senses when it comes to the more sophisticated things in life.
The Davidoff Year of the Rabbit Limited Edition 2023 reflects these character traits in the minutest details. “I am immensely proud of our Master Blenders in the Dominican Republic for developing not one, but two exclusive cigars for this special zodiac. Their creative groundwork gave our skilled design team just the right impulses to build an impressive range of accessories around the tobacco products. I trust that this year’s selection will once again inspire our aficionados around the world to fill their time beautifully”, says Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff Group.
Davidoff Year of the Rabbit Limited Edition 2023 Perfecto cigar
Davidoff chose a Perfecto shape, 54 x 151 mm (5 15/16”), for the representation of this zodiac, as the format is reminiscent of a rabbit’s ears, and the multi-layered blend reveals its depth slowly due to the cigar’s tapered head and foot. Seven different tobaccos, among which are filler tobaccos with an average maturity of 4,5 years. An Ecuadorian Hybrid 238 wrapper over a Mexican San Andrés Negro binder and Dominican (Piloto Seco, Yamasa Viso, San Vicente Ligero and Seco) and Nicaraguan (Estelí Seco) filler tobaccos.
The ten Perfecto cigars come in a smart-looking red box inspired by the Rabbit’s character. Its lacquered exterior is elegantly calm and does not yet reveal the depth it holds. The lid tastefully displays the Year of the Rabbit icon, and the Year of the Rabbit pattern, which imitates a rabbit’s gentle and steady hops, is visibly raised across the surface. Interlinked sections on the inside of the wooden box are reminiscent of a rabbit warren and offer space for the cigars.
A total of 19,200 ten-count boxes were produced with the retail price set at $50
Accessories for aficionados born in the Year of the Rabbit
To enhance the Limited Edition and to offer givers as well as collectors a bigger selection of products to choose from, Davidoff releases several accessories in the Year of the Rabbit design.
The Year of the Rabbit Ashtray comes in a smart shape with two notches and offers a generous space for two cigars and ash. The 450 numbered pieces are crafted with premium porcelain in France. Suggested retail price is $415.
The Year of the Rabbit Cutter ensures a precise cut due to its razor-sharp double blades. The serial number is neatly engraved on the palladium. The 370 available pieces are made in Germany. Suggested retail price is $425.
For pipe aficionados, Davidoff releases an elegant pipe, which for the first time comes with a pouch in the Year of the Rabbit design. The high-quality briar wood and the eye-catching pouch make the pipe a discreetly sophisticated but nonetheless notably special accessory. Each of the 170 available pieces is handmade and numbered in Italy. Retail price is set at $1,180.
Pipe tobacco
The Year of the Rabbit Pipe Tobacco delights with typically Asian notes and comes in a red-lacquered tin. The blend treats pipe aficionados to Virginia tobaccos from India and China, and Burley tobacco from Malawi. Limited to 5,400 tins worldwide, except for the US market.
Masterpiece Humidor & Flagship Exclusive – special Gran Toro cigars for the true collector
The Year of the Rabbit Masterpiece humidor is by far Davidoff’s most exclusive product for this zodiac and the epitome of elegance. It is handmade in France and displays the highest form of craftsmanship: multi-material marquetry, expertly executed by French artist Rose Saneuil, who applied her unique technique to depict the Year of the Rabbit icon on the lid of the humidor. The high-quality wood shows the Year of the Rabbit pattern on the exterior. Each of the 25 available humidors comes with 88 Gran Toro cigars.
The Davidoff Year of the Rabbit Flagship Exclusive marks the brand’s first special “Year of” edition exclusively available in Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 flagship stores. The impressive box in the Year of the Rabbit design offers 24 Gran Toro cigars, which are otherwise only to be found in the Masterpiece humidor. The blend composition is similar to that of the Year of the Rabbit Limited Edition 2023 perfecto cigar; however, the format and especially the ring gauge create a slightly different revealing of taste and flavours. This edition is limited to 600 boxes worldwide.
Launch & Availability
From November 2022*, the Davidoff Year of the Rabbit Limited Edition cigars, pipe tobacco** and accessories will be available at select Davidoff appointed merchants and flagship stores around the world.
*Launch dates may vary depending on country.