The Yamasà is the latest news introduced to the market by Davidoff. The cigars are made in Dominican Republic. The cigars featured for this review are the piramides.
▪ Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
▪ Size: 52 x 165 mm (6.5″)
▪ Capa: Yamasà
▪ Capote: San Vicente
▪ Tripa: Nicaragua (Condega & Estelì) and Dominican Republic (Piloto & Mejorado).
▪ Price: 24€
The wrapper is a colorado maduro shade, very oily. To the touch the cigars show some very little flaws, but the smoke mechanic will be absolutely perfect.
Davidoff Yamasà Piramides: before to light it up hay and cocoa scents are perceivable. The opening is a little bit acidulus and delivers floreal notes, together with some citrus.
The fist third develops rich spices (black pepper) and wood resin. The strength is medium (3/5). The smoke is very creamy.
In the second third the spices peak up, getting very intense and delivering some piquant notes aswell. Fine wood and vanilla aromas get developed, giving off a classy aromatic palette. The cigar shows a huge harmony. The strength grows a little bit (3,5/5).
In the last third the spices and the fine wood alternates continuously until the finale. The strength stays slightly over the medium, even in the last puffs.
Overall a very elegant smoke, with a nice intensity. The evolution is perceivable and the harmony reaches the maximum level.
Rating: 90