Icon of the cigar world, Churchill inspired the latest cigar creation from Davidoff, called the Winston Churchill Late Hour.
For this new cigar, Davidoff turned to Churchill’s love for whisky and aged Viso leafs from Condega, Nicaragua, in ex Speyside barrels. After six month in the barrels, it then will be added to the filler where it joins a mix of Dominican Olor Viso, Piloto Seco, San Vicente Mejorado Viso and Nicaraguan Viso from Esteli. All this is wrapped in a Ecuadorian Habano Marron Oscuro wrapper and a Mexican San Andres Negro binder.
They will be offered in 20 count boxes and 4 count packs. The Late Hour comes in three sizes:
- Churchill, 48 x 178 mm
- Robusto, 52 x 127 mm
- Toro, 54 x 152 mm
It doesn’t end here. To further celebrate Sir Winston Churchill, Davidoff also introduces a new line of a Winston Churchill accessories. They created two humidors, realized in different sizes and graphics:
- Primos: perfect for the new smoker, it can hold 25-35 cigars and comes equipped with a slim humidifier and dividers.
- Ambassador: dedicated to the seasoned aficionado. It contains a slim humidifier, dividers and a practical removable basked. It can hold 70-90 cigars.
The two humidors, realized by the French comapny Entreprise du Patimoine Vivant, are available in the versions:
- London: beige tulip wood, in the background is the English flag; Sir Winston’s profile on the foreground and pictures of London’s urban landscape decorate the inside.
- Union Jack: blue birch wood, the English flag dominates; on the top right is a small tulip wood inlay, in a darker tonality, of the Churchill icon.
The insides of the humidors are realized with Okoume wood, from Gabon, on the west coast of Africa; the outside is Lastly, two elegant whisky glasses and an ashtray complete the range of accessories.
The glasses are created in western Europe, by high qualified glass blowers in an atelier with 120 years of experience, and specially designed for the cigar smoker; there are two incisions on the edge of the glass, where you can lay down your cigar. On the bottom is the iconic profile of the statesman.
The ashtray, limited to 115 pieces and hand numbered, are made in an artisanal way in Limoges (France) at Entreprise du Patrimoine Viviant; Winston Churchill’s effigy is treated with gold, while details of the Union Jack adorn the sides of the ashtray.
The accessories will be available starting from August 2017.