The Cohiba Serie M is a cigar made in the United States, and it was released in 2021. The cigars are manufactured at the El Titan de Bronze factory in Little Havana, Miami. The M in the brand name stands, in fact, for Miami. In 2022 a Corona Gorda was added to the Serie M, and recently, a new and bigger size was added to this line.
The blend of the Serie M showcases another first for General’s Cohiba brand, the Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper. The remainder of the blend uses a Nicaraguan binder over a Dominican (Piloto Cubano) and Nicaraguan (tobaccos from the Esteli and Jalapa regions) filler.
This luxurious-looking Toro is an eye-catcher, finished in a fantail cap with a closed foot. The reddish Colorado Maduro wrapper is oily and slightly rough to the touch.
- Country of Origin: U.S.A.
- Size: 54 x 152 mm (6″)
- Wrapper: Nicaragua
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua
- Price: $30 – € N/A
Cohiba Serie M Toro: the cold draw reveals scents of cocoa and spices. Once lit, the cigar delivers notes of seasoned wood, delicate spices, and pepper.
Overall, the Cohiba Serie M Toro delivers a rich, complex, and satisfying smoke. The flavor profile is ample and structured; from the first puff to the last one, the balance is excellent. A great cigar that ended up in our 2021 Awards list.