Cigar of the Month

Cigar of the Month: May

Cigar of the Month: May 300 153 Michel Arlia

The best cigar of the month of May is Nicaraguan, produced by Don Pepin Garcia. It is a variation of a line that has been…

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Cigar of the month: April

Cigar of the month: April 300 175 Michel Arlia

The cigar of the month in April is a 100% Nicaraguan product, realized with Nicaraguan leaves and rolled in said country. A Toro by name…

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Cigar of the month: March

Cigar of the month: March 848 590 Luca Cominelli

In March, the best cigar we have the pleasure to smoke was a Nicaraguan one, belonging to the Scandinavian Tobacco Group portfolio. For the first…

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