The Camacho Nicaraguan Barrel-Aged Gordo is a cigar made in Honduras, at the Diadema Cigars de Honduras factory. The Nicaraguan Barrel-Aged series follows the American Barrel-Aged, which was the first line of Camacho where cigars were made using tobacco that was aged in Bourbon Barrels. For the Nicaraguan Barrel-Aged, the aging happens in Rum barrels, which previously held the most famous Nicaragua Rum: Flor de Caña. In detail, the leaves are kept in barrels for 5 months.
Cigars are dressed up in a shiny colorado wrapper, that is silky to the touch. Construction is excellent.
- Country of Origin: Honduras
- Size: 60 x 152 mm (6″)
- Wrapper: Ecuador (Habano)
- Binder: Mexico
- Filler: Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominican Rep.
- Price: $12 – €13
Camacho Nicaraguan Barrel-Aged Gordo: spicy scents are perceivable to the cold draw. The first few puffs deliver nutty notes.
Overall, the Camacho Nicaraguan Barrel-Aged Gordo develops a balanced smoke, equipped with a decent harmony. The evolution is rather contained, as the flavor profile, and considering the format, this is something that plays a strong role for the final score.
Rating: 85