2016 has been the year of the announcements, where a huge amount of new cigars and lines have been presented, even if many of them will be actually commercialized in the next year. Among these, many have been the celebration and anniversary products.
The best 2016 cigars are divided by country, which means that for enlisting them we don’t consider the blend, but the place where the cigar is made. Four are the main producers country (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras and Nicaragua) plus all the other country which are considered in the “Rest of the world” category. For every terroir five cigars are named as the best production of the country and three as the best buy. For every country a brand, a cigar line and a news are chosen to be the awarded as the best of 2016.
- TOP 5 Cigars: Cuba
- TOP 5 Cigars: Honduras
- TOP 5 Cigars: Nicaragua
- TOP 5 Cigars: Dominican Republic
- TOP 5 Cigars: Rest of the Word
For all the other AWARDS of 2016, you can read CigarsLover Magazine Winter 2016, by clicking here.