The Amazon Raffaello is one of the few products in the world where Kentucky tobacco is rolled in to a Parejo shape.
Abandoning the truncate-conical or bi-truncated-conical shape, used for other products from Diplomatico Cigars (the company manufacturing Amazon cigars), the shape is identical to his Caribbean ones. The size of this cigar makes the Raffaello come close to a Petit Corona.
Country of Origin: Peru
Size: 42 x 133 mm (5.2″)
Capa: Italy
Capote: Italy
Tripa: Italy
Price: 7€
It is a tripa corta (short filler) cigar.
Leaves are coming from San Sepolcro and Pontecorvo. After one year of storage in Italy, they are shipped to Tarapoto, Peru. Here the products are hand manufactured and shipped back to Italy to sell.
At first glance the wrapper is of a shiny dark brown, with reddish shades. The Roughness and veining are quite typical for this type of tobacco. The band is simple and attractive: a petrol blue ribbon, placed close to the head of the cigar.
Amazon Raffaello: before lighting the cigar up the Raffaello shows intense notes reminiscing of leather, coffee, pepper and manure.
Once lit, the main taste is mineral, with a slightly acidic note, without the bitter aftertaste that is characteristic in other products of this type. Aroma intensity is surprising, especially for the vivid tones: rich peppery, earthy and spicy notes, with a hint of leather. It is medium bodied (3/5). Even though in a tripa corta cigar evolution can be lacking, this smoke is not boring.
At mid-point, even though keeping the mineral notes, the acid notes disappear, featuring a slightly sweeter character. A cocoa aroma can also be perceived, joining the leather (increasing in intensity), the pepper (almost no longer perceivable) and a light herbal tone. Strength is slightly increasing, however not reaching the top of the scale (4/5).
Aromas are pleasant, however, the smoke mechanics and burn show problems. Draw frequency has to be controlled, since Kentucky tobacco tends to burn much slower than any other Caribbean one: if the puffs are not controlled, the Raffaello can easily extinguish. On the contrary, a more frequent draw will result in a bitter sensation.
The “slow burning” attitude of this cigar is also confirmed by the total duration: no Petit Corona will last for 90 minutes!
Overall, a product to be loved (or hated) for its characteristics, not to be compared with any Caribbean cigar. Complexity, evolution and balance are evident, but the intensity of the aromas and the post-smoke persistency are the strong points of the Raffaello.
Rating: 87