The Alec Bradley Black Market “Punk” is a cigar from Honduras, which measures 42 x 108 m.
- Country of origin: Honduras
- Size: 42 x 108 mm (4,2″)
- Capa: Jalapa Valley – Nicaragua
- Capote: Sumatra
- Tripa:Panama and Honduras
- Price: 5.5 € | 5.5 $
The wrapper is smooth, reddish maduro in color, with minor veining.
Alec Bradley Black Market Punk: before lighting the cigar up nuts and light floral notes can be perceived on an overall sweet base.
The first third provides walnut aromas, enriched by cocoa and minor spicy (black pepper) shades; moving on into the third the cocoa flavor gets bolder (up to an earthy sensation), and the finish changes into wood with a slightly piquant background. Medium bodied (3/5)
In the second third wood and earth are the main notes, coupled with a slightly acid after-taste and a bitter hint; moving on the previously mentioned aromas become stronger, creating a coal like taste. Rare notes of licorice, alternating with more earthy flavors can be perceived at the end of the third. Body is a little more than medium (3,5/5).
The final third repeats the aromas perceived at the beginning of the previous third, even though moving on these aromas fade out, leaving space to a barnyard like finish. Still slightly more than medium in body (3,5/5).
Overall the cigar is rustic, the delivered aromas are intense, but balanced, with an appropriate body. In specific moments the Punk can be compared to a Toscano cigar (in particular to a Modigliani one), considering the woody, slightly bitter and acidic notes. Ash is hard and falls off only when smoke is almost finished. It delivers an good amount of smoke, with an even burn. After-smoke is discrete in intensity, with slightly acidic woody flavors and a piquant note which stimulates tongue and mouth.
Rating: 86