Back in 2020, AJ Fernandez introduced to the market the Blend 15, which is a bundle cigar line made of three vitolas: a Robusto, a Toro, and a Short Robusto.
The Robusto is a classic five by 50, and despite being a “bundle” cigar, it is well made and comes with a Colorado-colored wrapper that is smooth to the touch. Filling is generous.
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
- Size: 50 x 127 mm (5″)
- Wrapper: Nicaragua
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Nicaragua
- Price: $ N.A. – € 4.20
AJ Fernandez Blend 15: the cold draw reveals hints of earth, undergrowth, and some vegetal aromas. The opening is rich, with intense spicy notes of black pepper, accompanied by earth and a touch of cocoa.
Overall, the AJ Fernandez Blend 15 Robusto is a balanced and flavorful cigar. While it may lack in terms of complexity and evolution, it is among the better bundle cigars you can find out there with an unbeatable price point