The country of Nicaragua has experienced a storm year that will go down in history. There have been other hurricanes and tropical storms, but back to back Category 4 and then a Category 5 have really taken a toll on the country. First was the Cat. 4 Hurricane Eta which was shortly followed by Cat. 5 Hurricane Iota. Reports are that most families are safe and healthy, but thousands of families around the country have lost everything due to the storms. The hardest hit areas were in the countries poorest regions. People in those areas are in desperate need of Emergency Disaster relief.
This news article is more of a calling for help for the great people of Nicaragua. As cigar enthusiasts, Nicaragua is a big part of our passion of cigars. If you are wanting to help with the disaster relief, bellow is a list of trusted organizations. The initial phase involves Emergency Disaster relief providing food, water, clothes and shelter. Followed by Disaster Response which comes in the form of short and long term development projects designed to help communities recover and rebuild. This will be a long process from one major storm, but a lot longer from two.
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Picture by NBC news and Tampa bay news.